Thursday, May 6, 2010

I hate liking stuff. =/

Those of you who know me are aware of two vital habits of my me-ness:
a) that I like things for stupid reasons and obsess over them to no end, and
b) that I hate things for no reason and avoid them at all costs until something forces me to like it.

Case in point, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I avoided it the entire time it was on because (in my opinion, based on the one person I knew who watched it) only stupid people liked it, and I hate Sarah Michelle Gellar with a passion. She is stupid. She's got a stupid monkey face, with stupid little non-eyebrows, and she is stupid. I don't like her.

I DO, however, like Joss Whedon. I watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog, then Firefly and Serenity, and BAM! I was hooked. So when Dollhouse came out, I decided I loved it just because Joss had done it. That's when I realized the folly of my ways - to truly call myself a Whedon fan, I HAD to watch Buffy.

So, thanks to Netflix because it's totally awesome and had all 7 seasons on instant watch thing, I'm up to season 5. And... well... I love it. I love it so much. It's my favorite thing and it's awesome and I love it. Still hate Sarah Michelle Gellar, and consequentially Buffy, but whatevs. Oz and Xander and Willow and Anya make up for it, and I LOVE IT, and I'm going to buy it and love it forever.

That's what I do. I watch something, love it, and then find everything all the actors have ever been in. I'm a little crazy with the whole six-degrees thing. I made a chart once! It took hours and hours on IMDB, and four whole sheets of that giant sketch paper. But it was awesome, and now I can connect anyone I love to anyone else I love (not in six steps, usually, but I can still do it!) on command.

I should probably stop hating things just because everyone else likes them, because sometimes (par example - Lady Gaga, in all of her fierce glory and awesomeness) they are actually worthwhile. But then, on the flip side of that coin, there's Twilight. And then I feel totally justified in hating things blindly because the masses like them. :D


  1. Also, I laughed for three hours after reading this. You write in the exact same manner you speak, and it's hilarious because I can hear your voice and see you making your >< face while ranting about stupid monkey-faced Sarah Michelle Gellar.

  2. I try. :D I think I'd rather write a funny blog that sometimes rants than an all-rant-all-the-time blog. ^_^ So yay! I won!
