Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A month later...

So I'm kind of bad at keeping up with things. :D But I'm back now! And I have three things to talk about!

THING 1: I've recently discovered the vlogbrothers on YouTube, which is the channel shared by YA fiction author John Green (Paper Towns, Looking For Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines) and his brother Hank Green (runs, writes occasionally for the NY Times, does other cool things). They have this insane following called the Nerdfighters, who are made of awesome, and one of which I am. :D It is awesome, they are awesome, and it has made my life a lot more awesome since discovering them.

THING 2: The oil spill! Yeah! I've not really been following this very much, but recently I've been thinking more about it. It's TERRIFYING. I do NOT like this situation. It's very scary to think that the actual, honest-to-god END OF THE WORLD may be upon us. And I don't know what we can do to fix it, other than try to suck up the oil that's spewing out and figure out a way to scoop it up off the water. =/ But it's a very distressing situation, and I will be attempting to follow this from now on.

THING 3!: Vegetarianism and the world today! Putting aside the much-discussed issues of animal cruelty and health benefits, consider the resources that go into raising animals for meat. Half of our water supply goes into growing food that we feed to, well, food. It takes up to 16 pounds of grain to produce just one pound of meat, and about 20 percent of the world's population, or 1.4 billion people, could be fed with the grain and soybeans fed to U.S. cattle alone ( It takes 5,000 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat, while growing 1 pound of wheat only requires 25 gallons. You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for an entire year ( These are some serious numbers. Our resources are limited, and frankly, I kind of think this is a waste.

I like meat. I'm a big fan of ham, burgers, steaks, and especially bacon. I've tried and failed at vegetarianism before, and I'm not saying we should all stop eating meat forever. I'm just saying maybe we could ALL cut back a little. Instead of 1 out of 10 people eating NO meat, what if 10 out of 10 people ate LESS meat? If we could all cut back on our meat intake, maybe just didn't have meat one night a week, or skipped the bacon and sausage at breakfast every day - that would save huge amounts of water and food, plus things like corn that could be used for alternate fuel sources. Not only that, but fewer animals would have to be raised for food, which would mean better living conditions, less land and grass devoted to raising food, and less gas consumed carting the animals back and forth. Not only all of THAT, but we would all be a little healthier.

Vegetarianism is hard, and it's not for everyone. And I know there are people out there who don't see any of these things as problems, and so will refuse to change anything about their habits. Those people probably drive Hummers and use their sprinklers even in thunderstorms and leave all their lights on while they're on vacation elsewhere. BUT, for every ONE of those people, there could be twenty people eating less meat, conserving energy, driving less and walking more, taking shorter showers, and buying locally. There could be, like, three vegetarians for every one of those people. Six bike riders. Four people who have gardens. It doesn't have to be one person doing it all - you can pick an area and go all out, or you can do a little of everything, but as long as you're doing SOMETHING to help our planet, you're helping save the world.

Well, save OUR world. The planet will go on without us - what we're really trying to save is the future of our species. We only have this one world to live on, guys. If we break it, we're going to die out. And with people like the Hummer guys and British Petroleum and the Octomom, I'm afraid that will happen sooner rather than later.

What do you guys think about all of this? Opinions on the oil spill? Arguments for or against full or partial vegetarianism? Leave me your thoughts!


  1. They finally stopped the oil from spilling out of the pipe, so there's that. Its not a victory but its a start.

  2. Yeah, I saw that. AT LEAST there's that.

  3. Well written, well thought out post about things I think and actually try to do but never knew how to write down. Here's to success in getting more people to do SOMETHING.
