Saturday, July 24, 2010


So last week I introduced the amazing goal-accomplishment challenge extravaganza. My goals for the week were:

2) Leave Post-Its with happy messages on them everywhere I go this week! -- FAILED
3) Give 10 random people a small present or a card. -- FAILED
44) Tweet a random fact every day. -- MOSTLY WON
31) Go to the gym thrice a week. -- FAILED

EPIIIC FAAAAIIIL. I didn't do any Post-Its or presents, but I Tweeted a fact every day but Friday and Saturday. I didn't go to the gym, but I did walk a lot on Wednesday, so perhaps that counts... buuuut I didn't do it again, so I still failed. D:

GO ME. =/ See, this is why I need this blog! This is why you're here! HELP ME NOT FAIL. I mean, if that's how well I do with stupid, easy tasks like those, HOW AM I EVER GOING TO DO THE BIGGER ONES?!

The next batch of goals will be slightly more important, with slightly longer deadlines. I will still be aiming for the gym three times a week, along with:

18. Learn at least three simple songs on my accordion,
27. Write some letters to the editor of the Sun News,
52. Start learning American Sign Language.

I will have two weeks to complete these three goals (posting some sort of proof, like a video of me playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on the accordion), so on the 7th we will find out if I get to be punished or not. :D The rules still stand for the gym, too - if I don't go to the gym or do some sort of vigorous physical activity AT LEAST TWICE a week, I shall be punished.

Which brings us to the topic of punishment for failing so hard this week! Yaaay. Please leave your suggestions in the comments, and we will vote on the best one. Then I will do it and upload some sort of proof (video, audio, whatevs) and everyone will have a grand laugh at my expense.

In other news, my face got wrocked off this week when I went to see The Parselmouths, The Moaning Myrtles, The Whomping Willows, Justin Finch-Fletchley, The Blibbering Humdingers, and ALL CAPS! :D It was pretty spectacular, and the trip was just generally awesome. <3 YAY HARRY POTTER. I am such a huge nerd. BUT I am okay with that. ^_^

Okay. So. That's about it for now. :D Suggest punishment ideas in the comments please!


  1. I'm pretty jealous that you got to go to a wrock concert. I need to do that before I die. AND punishment for not going to the gym should be playing the song you learned while on a treadmill. yeup.

  2. Yeah, go to the gym with Karen and run a mile with her. She kicks some ass.

  3. Hmm, I kinda like that idea, olabimpe. XD Except that means I'd have to go to the gym with a camera and an accordion, and then I might not be able to go back to the gym. :D Heh. Maybe I can find someone who has a treadmill I could use.
