Sunday, September 26, 2010

I like the internet.

I have totally failed at blogging this week, huh? -_- Oh well. What can you do?

I've been thinking a bit about social media stuff, partly because of my last blog and partly because everyone makes such a huge freaking deal when any part of the internet is broken. Of course, I'm just as angry when Facebook goes away or something, but people are always saying stuff about how my generation can't do anything because we're so wired up and always have our phones and iPods and whatnot, and honestly, I don't think that's true.

For the most part, yes, we're constantly texting or tweeting, checking Facebook or IMing, blogging or emailing (yeah, like anyone emails anymore! [that's a joke, I still email]). But that doesn't mean we don't know how to interact with people. It doesn't mean we sit inside all day and do nothing but stare at a screen. A lot of our time may be spent that way, but why does that have to be a bad thing? I spend a LOT of time online, but I still have irl (in real life) friends and hang out with them often. We do things that don't involve screens at all, sometimes, and occasionally we even go to that place without walls or ceilings, where it's all hot and bright and there's plants and stuff. But yes, I do text and tweet sometimes, and I have been known to check Facebook more than a few times a day (more than that, if I'm trying to do homework), and even sometimes remember to post on my blog.

And the internet, aside from being an amazing time-waster and source of "knowledge" and useful tool for pirating, is also a fantastic way to meet people and make friends. I have several friends I've met online, who I feel I know pretty well, from all around the country, and even around the world. Someone I would consider a very close friend lives in Wisconsin, and I've never met her. We've talked on the phone, as well as various places on the internet. In fact, I've made more online friends than I have friends at college, and I consider them to be just as important as my real life friends. So it's not all bad. It's not all posting pictures of drunk friends or updating everyone we know about what we're eating at the moment. There are some legitimate uses for the internet. And the internet is the only way I can communicate with most of my online friends, so yes, I do spend a lot of time on Facebook and Twitter, but it's not like I can't function without them.

That's what I feel a lot of people think about my age group - that we literally cannot do anything without our phones or laptops. And it's a little insulting, because not all of us are like that. A small percentage, yes, but not all of us. It just really bothers me. I'm a pretty well-rounded person, I think, and I read, I write, I like to play games, I do a lot of things that don't involve a screen or wires of any sort. And I don't think it's a bad thing to like video games, movies, or hanging out online. Honestly, I think as long as you can go without it, as long as you can function without it in your life, as long as it isn't your entire life, anything you like to do is okay.

I don't know. I probably shouldn't blog at 7 AM when I haven't been asleep yet. =/


  1. WHAT? There's a place with like...HOTNESS? And FRESH AIR?
    Good point here. Online friends are the bomb diggity.
    I love your blog~even though I don't read it as often as I should. I do sometimes read without commenting as well. So yeah.

  2. Merci beaucoup for reading it! :D I keep expecting Blogger to have, like, a friends page or something (which I guess it does, but I forget about it/don't know how to use it XD)... I guess I just need to bookmark all the blogs I read so I don't forget they exist. ^_^

