Friday, September 3, 2010

This still counts as a post on Friday.

Okay, so TECHNICALLY, since it's after midnight, I've missed a day, but since I haven't gone to BED yet, I'm saying the day's not over yet. :D Shut up, it's my blog.

A friend asked me recently why I decided to start this blog, and I thought I'd answer that question on my blog. :D There are really 3 main reasons why:

1) To work on my writing

I want to be a writer, and in order to do that, I need to write all the time and in all sorts of forms. I write poetry and stories for fun, I write essays for school, and now I'm giving blogging a go. There are some things I notice in my writing that I know I need to fix, and I'm hoping that with practice, and practicing in different styles, I can improve my overall talent and find my own voice with which to write novels and things.

2) To write about Important Issues

Recently I've become very interested in keeping up with things going on today, like politics and environmental issues and whatnot. I figured a good way to keep up with these things, to voice my own opinions and views, and to maybe strike a spark in other people my age, would be to start a blog focused on political things. After a few posts, though, I decided to branch out. I want to share my opinions on all kinds of things, not just political issues. I wanted to be able to talk about whatever I wanted, but still with the same sort of goal - to be educated and keep up with things going on around me, and to maybe educate someone else.


I don't really expect to become famous through this blog, but it would be cool, huh? :D I've decided that internet fame would be the best kind of fame, because you'd get the best bits of being famous without the insanity of never being able to go anywhere or having to have bodyguards or whatever. So if I'm going to be in any way famous, it'll be through the internet or as an author. 'Cause you never hear about crazy screaming mobs chasing after authors, no matter how famous they are. :D You just have to watch out for the crazy obsessed sociopaths, and you'll be fine.

So yeah, those are my main reasons for creating this blog. Mostly the first two. XD I really just love to write, and I love to express my opinion and hear other peoples' opinions on things. And with my recent interest in discussing politics and religion and all this controversial type stuff, I thought perhaps this blog could end up making a difference, even if it's to change one person's mind about a certain issue. That would be really awesome to me. On top of that, if I gain some sort of insight about my writing through these posts, that would be awesome as well. And as added bonuses, it's fun, it's an easy way to get in touch with people, and it means a legit reason to spend more time online. XD


  1. :D Thanks for answering my question! The answers don't surprise me, gotta say ;)
    It's very difficult with the blog thing, because getting followers is annoyingly difficult. Most people that follow mine are friends/family, and some more read it that I don't KNOW about!
    Thanks for commenting on my blog, by the way :)

  2. @Aly - Yeah, I have the same problem with followers. It's weird. =/ But at least I have a few followers! ^_^
