I got my Doctor Who shirt in the mail the other day, which made me do a happy dance of happy, and I wore it to school yesterday hoping I would make all the friends. Unfortunately, only like, two people commented on it, and one was already my friend. =/ BUT it doesn't matter because I love Doctor Who and wearing the shirt made me really happy. It has David Tennant's face on it.
David Tennant is the best Doctor, imo, of the three I've seen. I liked Christopher Eccleston too, but he was there so briefly I didn't get a chance to love him properly. Matt Smith is okay so far, but David owns my heart. ^_^ He's so cute and weird and his eyebrows are magnificent. Also "allons-y" is the best catchphrase, and he's so cute when he says it. I LOVE DAVID TENNANT.
As far as the companions go, Rose irritated me at first and then grew on me; Martha was freakin' awesome; I HATED DONNA FOREVER AND EVER; and Amy so far is all right, kind of annoying and slutty, but mostly okay. Donna set the bar pretty high for me hating characters on that show. I thought Rose was annoying, then Donna showed up. After that I was like, "Hey, as long as you're not Donna, you're welcome to be the companion!" UGH DONNA. She's just so whiny and nasally, and she's always bugging the Doctor about stuff that he can't do anything about.
One time they went to Pompeii, and Donna was all like "OMG Doctor we should totally save all these people from the volcano!" and the Doctor was like "We can't actually do that, much as I'd like to, because it's a fixed point in time and we can't go messing about with history 'cause it could totally destroy the world." And Donna was like "YOU'RE SUCH A JERK I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'D LET ALL THESE PEOPLE WE DON'T KNOW DIE EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO DIE AND IT'S A MILLION YEARS AGO ANYWAY OMG YOU'RE SO MEEEAAANN." And the Doctor is like, "Look, I'm the Time Lord here, I know the rules, and it's my responsibility to make sure everything goes the right way. MAYBE I know a little bit more about it than you. So MAYBE YOU SHOULD LET ME DO MY JOB." And then Donna was all, "Whatevs, if he's gonna be like that, I'll save the people my own darn self." And the Doctor had to go and correct all her stupid mistakes and save the world from exploding. And that is why I hate Donna.
I'll give her that it's refreshing to have a companion NOT be totally in love with the Doctor, 'cause that's a little annoying. But Donna herself is MUCH more annoying than the others pining away for the Doctor - at least that has a vague sense of plot about it. Donna just irritates me to no end. =/
As far as season 5 goes, so far I like Matt Smith, though not as much as David Tennant, but he's doing a pretty good job. I kind of like Amy, whore-y as she can be. My favorite, though, is Rory, Amy's fiance guy. He's adorable and funny and I feel really sad for him, but he's a good guy. And I love him. And I want him to go travel around with the Doctor, too, because he's awesome. ^_^
I need to get a job so I can spend all my money on DVDs and shirts. I have a serious addiction to buying t-shirts and TV-on-DVD. XD
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